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Keep up-to-date with meetings, news, and other events from Coalition On Aging.
Upcoming Events
- Tue, Feb 18Sioux FallsCaring Transitions of Sioux Falls offers a streamlined support system to facilitate a stress-free as possible process. Leave the details to us.
- Tue, Jan 21Sioux FallsGreat Plains Geriatrics practice explanation along with information regarding the benefits of this type of practice, while providing care to residents in a facility. Also, the basic geriatric pearls that are good for everyone in this industry to understand.
- Tue, Nov 19Sioux FallsEleanore & Jeff with their adaptive equipment & non-profits! Owens Outfitters & GamePlan4Hope
- Tue, Oct 15Sioux FallsJake Droge- Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer through University Bank!
- Tue, Sep 17Sioux FallsWhat better way to return to our Coalition on Aging meetings! Jodi Schwan at the beautiful Legends on Lake Lorraine!
- Tue, May 21Sioux FallsAre you ready for a delicious meal and phenomenal speaker, Heather Kittelson? We are excited for you to RSVP and look forward to seeing you!
- Tue, Apr 16Sioux FallsLegacy Law Firm- Needing more information on the importance of Estate Planning and securing a Power of Attorney? This will be the meeting for you!
- Tue, Mar 19Sioux FallsJami Dalchow- Sanford Health- Drive Safe @ Sunnycrest!
- Tue, Feb 20Sioux FallsYearly updates on Department of Human Services, Long Term Services and Supports: How we can use & promote the programs at our fingertips and knowing who can benefit most!
- Tue, Jan 16Sioux FallsHappy New Year! Ready to start the year off, learning about Parkinson's with Janey Case? Enjoy lunch, Tuesday 16th, at Right at Home!
- Tue, Dec 19Sioux Falls-Positivity with Aging- Turning follows Blue as she sets sail on her own aging journey and challenges readers of all ages to follow in her wake. As a geriatric nurse, this conversational memoir encourages readers to blow out their birthday candles with positivity.
- Tue, Nov 21Sioux FallsCome join at Trail Ridge Senior Living facility for lunch and discussion. This month's presenter is going to be Dr. Jeff Watson discussing all about Spine and Neuropathy!
- Tue, Oct 17Sioux FallsWe hope to see you at our upcoming meeting next week! This month Inn on Westport will be sponsoring along with St. Croix Hospice! Brian Bucher will be our speaker regarding adaptive equipment that is available and what to know about them!
- Tue, Sep 19Active Generations- Dawley FarmsAre you ready to see the new Active Generations Building at Dawley Farms? Interested in learning about how to support a friend living with Dementia? If you answered yes to either one of these questions, come to the Coalition on Aging!
- Tue, Feb 21Sioux FallsWanting to learn more about Long-Term Care facilities and what they have to offer? Stop by over lunch to mingle and learn about Encompass Health and LTC in general!
- Tue, Jan 17Sioux FallsCome to the National Campus for Good Samaritan Society to both Learn & Mingle! This event will be regarding the subject of hospice and what it has to offer to those in need!
Events Calendar
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